Be dif.HER.ent
I know, I'm just as shocked as you are.
While I love writing for MISS HOLLYWOOF, I am also passionate about a few other things believe it or not! So, I have decided to create a new space where I can share those with you.
Allow me to reintroduce myself (Que Jay Z song)
My name is Brooke and I am a 23 year old model & TV host living in LA.
I was born & raised in Houston, TX and moved to NYC to "live the dream"...I know, so cheesy...
A few years later, career opportunities relocated me to The West Coast...and well... here we are now.
Social Media, Magazines, and TV can be a highlight reel of the so-called "ideal life" we all think we should be living. While we are so fortunate to live in a technology driven world, there can be a void in the space of self-love, self-confidence, & reality. Unfortunately, the internet isn't just a fad and no, photo-shopped selfies aren't going away anytime soon, so, if I can't beat em' I just gotta join em. Wellllll..... that's not entirely true. I can do something to make a difHERence.
Being a small town girl living in a big city, I have learned so much... but oh boy, am I still learning. In no way do I have all the answers that every millennial is out there searching for...but I know one thing is for sure...I don't want to conform to the stereotypical "LA Lifestyle". While it's an incredible place, it can have a way of making you feel like just a number at times... I'm here to remind you that no matter what city you live in, you are not! You are uniquely & wonderfully created! You were not made to fit the cookie-cutter mold. Be un-apologetically YOU! Be difHERent!
So long as you are constantly striving to be the best version of yourself, you are winning!
Easier said then done, you might say. Well, that is why I have decided to embark on a journey...a transformation, if you will...and I want to bring you along for the ride!
“For what it’s worth… it’s never too late, or too early to be whoever you want to be.”
-F. Scott Fitzgerald
It’s time to put my mantra into action. With the first few months of 2018 coming to an end, many have already quit the pursuit of their New Years Resolutions. I want to serve as a reminder that Health & Fitness shouldn't be a once a year trend, they are a lifestyle...and that you don't need a calendar marked January 1st to start living to your fullest potential. Let's step into Spring welcoming change & new beginnings.
I am a firm believer that your body is your temple, and that we should fuel every aspect: Mind, Body, & Soul to live our best life.
My hope is that this platform can serve as a safe place that inspires my generation & encourages the beauty in being difHERent!